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  • Three Times a Lady [Hell's Delight 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

Three Times a Lady [Hell's Delight 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 7

  Noel finished the line. “‘Lying inside yourself, baby. I saw you walk across the water—’“

  Rick chimed in. “‘I really think you oughta come out of your hidin’ and risk yourself be hurt.’” Rick chortled with glee. “What a horrible lyric! You couldn’t hold a candle to The Mamas and the Papas. ‘Monday, Monday…can’t trust that day…’”

  Rick drifted off and began wandering, Mary Lee at his side. Noel clasped Autumn’s head to his shoulder, and she seemed content to nuzzle her face against his chest. Ewan wanted to let the couple know he was cool with it, so he said, “I’m so sorry, Autumn. Why don’t you take Noel into the office with you when you discuss the business side of things, if that’ll help out any. You know, having someone Rick recognizes.”

  Autumn stood up straight, her beautiful round face only inches from Noel’s. “Yes,” she said, “that might help. But I don’t want my Dad coming into the business office, either. He might get upset and pitch a fit once he realizes what we’re thinking of doing. I hate to say it, but it might come down to a matter of subterfuge. That’s what Mary Lee told me. There’s only a small likelihood he’ll go willingly, whichever place we choose. I mean, he goes all to pieces if I buy him generic Wonder Bread. Imagine his reaction when he finds out we’re moving him to a new home.”

  Noel stroked the back of her head, as though he cuddled a puppy against his chest. “Aye, I’ll go with you, precious.” Perhaps aware he’d slipped and called her by an apparently old pet name, Noel’s eyes flickered to Ewan. “Or stay out here with Rick if you want me to.”

  “No, come with me,” said Autumn. “I have no one, since Olin can’t get away from Eureka. I know you were never lucky enough to have your parents live long enough to help them retire anywhere, but just your presence will help me.”

  Noel squeezed her shoulders. “Aye, fine.”

  So Autumn and Noel went to talk business with the manager while Mary Lee showed Rick around the game room and library, pretty much the only activity the “memory care” patients had. It seemed they were normally under lockdown in a separate wing, so maybe it was only the more cognizant ones who were allowed to use the computers and play the board games. Ewan wound up in the dining room with a staff member offering him some pudding, so he took it.

  There had been a lot to think about the past few days. Noel and Autumn seemed to be a natural fit together, and a new idea had been creeping into Ewan’s mind. Maybe…just maybe…

  Why not? Devin and Lacey had a third guy, Chase Moran, living with them. Shane and Katrina didn’t see the need for a separate bedroom for Alex Coldiron. And Ewan had personally seen while riding past adjacent Lay-Z-Boy Ranch those two studs Colt Gatling and the sweet JD going hard at it under a grape arbor. JD’s wife Hannah just watched Colt suck JD’s cock while sipping champagne. There were plenty of threesomes around Hell’s Delight.

  And Autumn could act as a beard, too. Noel didn’t need to worry about coming out and facing a media circus. Ewan knew that Noel wanted to stand by him and display how proud he was of him to the world, but that just seemed like cutting off his nose to spite his face.

  Another benefit to the triad idea was that Noel would be forever grateful and in debt to Ewan for “allowing” him to do what he was probably going to do, anyway. Ewan knew that he couldn’t keep Noel to himself forever. Noel belonged to the world and it was a crime to hide him away in Hell’s Delight. Autumn could attend these functions with Noel, whereas even in today’s society it was still pretty much unthinkable for a big rock star to bring his boyfriend to the Grammys, for instance.

  Ewan finished his pudding, feeling satisfied with his decision. He wandered over to the computers to see what some patient was surfing for on the computer. It was a very sad, pathetic game of about a first grader’s level where he had to memorize gigantic icons of a stove or coffeepot and match them up five seconds later. At least the man was trying.

  That was when Ewan saw the Amber Alert poster on the wall.

  A two-year-old toddler boy had been abducted on the outskirts of Auburn, just three exits down the highway by a storage unit complex. Little Jeremy had apparently been taken from there just two days ago and they even had a suspect and his photo.

  Moved by the face of the poor little lost boy, Ewan impulsively reached out and tore the poster from the wall. He folded it into small squares so it would fit into his back jeans pocket.

  “What’s that?” said Noel, suddenly standing behind him.

  Ewan spun around so suddenly he whacked Noel with his elbow. “Oh, nothing. A poster about a truck for sale.”

  “You’re looking for a truck?”

  “No. How did it go in there?”

  Noel drew Ewan aside, out of the library and down an outdoor breezeway. They walked nearly arm in arm because it didn’t matter if old timers saw them. Noel spoke in a low voice.

  “It’s bad, Ewan. Autumn is completely torn up over what’s happening to Rick. She’s trying to put on an unemotional front, but inside it’s tearing her up. She’s a lawyer, so everything has to be done emotionlessly, by the book, right on down the line. But she’s having a hard time keeping it together.”

  They paused by a bridge that crossed a little creek. Ewan took Noel by the upper arms and held him still against the rail. He had to bend at the knees to look his lover in the eyes. “Will he be locked up in that wing?”

  Noel’s eyes behind the tinted lenses were weary. “Aye. That’s part of what’s eating at her. He’s only lucid some of the time, but those times he’ll be aware that he’s locked up, and she knows he’ll rage against it. She says it’s like putting an animal into a zoo. Her dad used to be so vibrant.”

  “Still is, from what I can tell.”

  “Aye. She’s questioning God and all of that existential stuff. What sort of God would allow this to happen, that sort of thing.”

  “Jesus.” Ewan paced to the other side of the bridge. “Autumn shouldn’t be alone, Noel. She’s got Mary Lee now to care for her Dad until they make a decision.” Spinning back to face his partner, he waited for Noel to come to the same conclusion he already had.

  The reaction was instant. “That, plus the death threats, and I think she should stay with us. Don’t you?”

  “Oh, absolutely! I’ve got my rifle and my Glock that I carry out on the range—”

  “No, no. I’m not sleeping with any fucking gun. Let Orlando and Tom carry the pieces. They can take turns or whatever sleeping in the downstairs bedroom at my place.”

  “What about my place? Your name was mentioned in the bizarre e-mail Alex received.”

  “Oh, God, just that he was going to prove something to me. My place is better, Ewan. Yours is right next to the cattle pens.”

  Ewan had to laugh. The cow boss had the best house of all ranch hands, but when the best house reeked like cow shit, it really didn’t matter. “All right. Here she is! How did it go in there, counselor?”

  Autumn was coming down the wooden path, heading straight for Noel’s comforting arms. Noel hugged her, and again Ewan had a brief twinge of jealousy, but she spoke to Ewan. “It has to be done, Ewan.”

  “We’ll help you,” Ewan said sincerely. “You should stay at Noel’s house, especially with that whackamole running around. Once your dad gets settled here, if that’s what you’re going to do.”

  When Autumn looked up at Noel, she had a childish look of adoration. Ewan knew she was probably feeling very small and helpless, going through this crap with Rick. Ewan knew how it felt to lose a loved one. Autumn was basically losing her father, surrendering him up to the fates, relinquishing him into the care of others. And it was a losing battle. It wasn’t as though Rick had any hope of improvement. “I can’t stay with Noel. I can’t impose on your…life.”

  Ewan guffawed. “Life? There’s no enormous life for you to impose on. What do you think we do, swing from the rafters?”

  When Ewan and Noel shared glances, Ewan realized he’d stumbled. Noel said, “Wel
l…we do sometimes…use the furniture…”

  Autumn drew back, her mouth a perfect O. She slapped Noel affectionately on the chest. “See what I mean? I’m not going to be trying to watch Dancing With the Stars while you guys spin on a St. Andrews cross. Hey. I know my bondage furniture. I have to prosecute colorful people, remember?”

  Noel held her at arm’s length. “Why do you assume we’re into bondage?”

  Ewan suggested, “Maybe because I’m wearing a dog collar?” It was true. One night, Noel had playfully collared Ewan with the first thing he’d been able to find. They’d never gotten around to upgrading the collar and by now Ewan sort of liked it. It had that lived-in feeling.

  Autumn took a fistful of Ewan’s jean shirt front and pulled him closer. “That, and I know Noel. We used to get into it a bit. Right, Noel?”

  Noel looked at the sky. “Oh, Jeez, I barely remember that. It does ring a bell.”

  Autumn stuck out her lower lip. “Barely remember spanking me while my hands were bound?”

  Ewan burst out laughing. “You are so completely busted, Noel. You pretended to have no experience at that sort of thing. You pretended not to even know the most basic knots.”

  Noel sputtered while the other two laughed. Autumn said, “So tell me. Which one of you is the Dom? I haven’t quite figured it out. Of course Noel has a dominating personality. He pretty much steamrolls over everyone in his path. I’ve seen videos of him debating in Congress. I seriously don’t want to mess with him. And Ewan, you’re collared. So I should deduce that you’re the submissive, although I can’t picture you that way. You’re so incredibly manly.”

  Ewan scoffed, but Noel backed her up. “You’re right. We don’t have strict roles. No one lies there going ‘beat me, beat me.’”

  Ewan said, “It’s almost like two switches, if you know what that means. We know each other so well we sort of fall into whatever role strikes our mood.” He had to laugh, thinking about it. “But usually, Noel is in the dominant mood, you’re right. He absolutely adores it when I’m helpless.”

  Autumn squirmed so heatedly, Ewan swore he could see her shudder. Noel, who still had one arm around her, drew back in alarm. Hugging herself, Autumn said, “Wow. I don’t think I want to start picturing that, or I’ll never get any sleep.”

  Ewan and Noel shared a look that said Yes. She’s aroused by the idea of us being together. Ewan knew he should take the ball and run with it. He tested the waters. “Noel’s an absolute crack cocksucker. You probably never would’ve predicted that, but he adores worshipping the shrine of the phallus.”

  She hugged herself closer and ran in place a little. “Oh, dear. I really can’t allow myself to picture this. I haven’t gotten any in so long and you guys are making me hot. See? This is why I can’t stay at your house, Noel. You think I want to listen to you sucking this well-hung cowboy’s cock every night?”

  Noel looked abashed. He sure could yell at a senator about debt relief, but apparently it made him shy discussing sex with a woman. He rubbed his five o’clock shadow and grinned at Ewan’s boots. “I don’t suppose so.”

  Ewan had to push it, or they’d drop the subject. “Oh, he’s a fucking beast, a sheer animal. I can barely keep up with him. That’s why I submit, some of the time. It’s easier. I just kneel there and let him take me like a brutal anima—”

  “Enough.” Such a strong shudder wracked Autumn’s body that she wrenched herself from Noel, her hands held up in the “stop” position. She was panting. “How much is a girl supposed to take? Now you’ve imprinted that image on the back of my eyeballs, thank you very much Ewan.”

  He smiled devilishly. “Is that such a bad thing?”

  “Well, no, but it’s going to keep me awake for months!”

  Noel was finally stepping up to the plate. He held his former girlfriend by the arms. “You need something pleasant to distract yourself from your worries.”

  Ewan deflated, because of course now Autumn would remember her worries, and that’s exactly what happened. Her face fell, she hugged herself again, but she held herself away from the two men. “Yeah. Distract me. That is a good idea. No, I think once Dad is moved up here I’ll move into Hannah Harmon’s old apartment on Jack London Street. I don’t know what I’ll do with the old house, but it holds too many memories for me to live there. I need to move on, literally.”

  Noel said, “What about the real killer on the loose, that Backstroke Killer or whatever his name is? We’ve got a fucking bodyguard and we’re not even the ones receiving the death threats.”

  Autumn set her face into a mask. “Noel. You’re a world-famous musician. That’s why you need a bodyguard. But that’s another reason I need to get my Dad into Leafy Pines, to get him out of the line of fire. I’ll feel much safer staying in Hannah’s apartment. It’s right above the hardware store where Lacey and Hannah used to work. It’s on a busy block, so there’s way less chance of anything going unnoticed.”

  “I still don’t like it,” said Noel. “At least promise to come to my house and take a look at the arrangement. Ewan here is usually packing, and the main gate of Hardscrabble is always locked.”

  So Autumn wound up agreeing to come by within the next couple of days, after she made more arrangements with the Leafy Pine management and Mary Lee. Autumn needed to do a lot of things under her father’s radar, like figure out which items around the house would comfort him in his new apartment, but without Rick seeing her stashing them in boxes. Ewan couldn’t even begin to imagine what turmoil must be in Autumn’s heart as they drove back into Hell’s Delight. The three of them were fairly silent and subdued, their limbs draped over each other like a comfortable, old married threesome.

  Chapter Seven

  That night during his scene with Noel, Ewan cried out louder than ever. Maybe he was afraid this would be his last chance to be vocal, but Noel seemed to be edging even closer to the cliff, pushing Ewan’s boundaries harder than ever.

  Maybe Noel was pissed about the knot comment Ewan had made in Auburn. But he bound Ewan’s wrists so tightly to the wall bracket—it normally held an innocent hanging Ficus—that Ewan could only move his arms an inch. And maybe Ewan was more sensitive today after the depressing Auburn trip, but every scrape Noel made with the tip of the Swiss army knife down the middle of his abdomen had Ewan squirming with unbearable tension.

  Noel had bound Ewan’s jutting cock with a long silk scarf. The contrast between the bright scarlet of the sash and the purple of his cock was a nice artistic statement, and Noel alternately slapped and sucked the cock. The mirror was positioned next to the couch just so that for once, Ewan could see why Noel was so attracted to him. He was a fucking well-hung stud, and he wished he could caress the back of Noel’s skull as he hoovered his long, fat dick into his mouth. Noel sucked him so enthusiastically Ewan even dared hope he’d be allowed to come tonight.

  But Noel was all about the cock and ball torture. Tonight was no exception. Noel drew the tip of the knife down Ewan’s abdomen that was stretched so tight the blade felt like it drew blood.

  “Aaaaagh,” Ewan groaned. Noel damned well knew his hard limits when it came to knife play—he had the scars to back himself up, and he drew the line at blood. Noel was particularly edgy and nervous tonight. Ewan could feel it in the touch of the blade. Ewan could still shake his hips, but he didn’t dare move against the blade. “Suck me, you motherfucker,” he roared.

  He could almost feel Noel smiling against his pubic bone as he slithered his tongue like a fat oyster around the base of Ewan’s cock. “You’re not coming yet, you delicious stud,” he said slyly, and buried his face in Ewan’s crotch again.

  Ewan shuddered heavily, his entire body constricting and coiling as Noel snaked his devilish tongue around his bare perineum, behind the stricture of the scarf. Noel mouthed the tight, swollen stretch of skin just in front of Ewan’s asshole, and he quivered with unspent delight. But then the tip of the knife would scrape against the thin layer of fat cove
ring his pubic bone, and he’d tense with nerves.

  Noel was becoming an expert edge player, taking Ewan to greater and greater heights with every session. Noel rarely gave him the ultimate satisfaction because he took such great delight in torturing him with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Now he tickled the rim of Ewan’s asshole with the tip of his tongue. But just as Ewan allowed himself to shiver with pleasure, Noel backed off and slapped Ewan’s bobbing prick so hard, Ewan saw stars.

  “Aaaaaagh!” Ewan roared again. “Suck me or fuck me, you motherfucker, I don’t care which. Just do something!”

  Noel sat back on his heels and grinned. What an asshole. Next time I’m going to take him by surprise and tie him up. Noel gripped Ewan’s cock by the base and waggled it in the air. “Not a chance. In fact, I have a different idea in mind.”

  Ewan exhaled all in a rush when Noel stood. “Thank God!” Ewan hollered. Relief literally washed over him as Noel stood and fussed with the knots at the back of his neck. “You complete and utter bastard. Did you draw blood? You know how much I fucking hate that.”

  The asshole. Noel was grinning as he worked. He was wearing only his boxer briefs and Ewan was proud of the way Noel’s cock and balls filled them. Noel was hot for him. “You like your CBT, don’t you?”

  “I like my CBT,” Ewan repeated dutifully.

  “Then shut up.”

  Ewan’s arms fell from the wall bracket so suddenly they nearly cramped up. He barely had time to examine the rope that Noel had left around his wrist before he was yanked brutally to his knees.

  For a few seconds he couldn’t orient himself. He didn’t know what had hit him, and every one of his senses went on high alert. His forearms flew up to protect his face, but he relaxed when he saw that Noel had a grip on one end of his rope, like a leash. The tension eased and Ewan practically purred when Noel grabbed the back of his neck and smashed his face into his crotch.

  Delicious. Ewan hungrily mouthed the fat dick through the thin layer of fabric. He wasn’t often allowed to suck Noel’s cock. For some reason Noel found that a much more subservient activity than sucking on Ewan. But now Noel urged Ewan’s face into his crotch, even hooking a thumb under the band of his briefs and sliding them down, allowing his fat dick to pop up at attention.