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Three Times a Lady [Hell's Delight 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 13

  What? Noel paused with his arm in midair, reaching for a chain. His face was just inches from Autumn’s, and he couldn’t read her expression. “What?” he whispered.

  She wasn’t as confident now. “I’ve fallen in love with Ewan. I can see him through your eyes, Noel, and I see everything admirable that you see. He’s had a tragic life, losing his son and then his wife both in the same year. He’s very deep, Noel, very intelligent and sensitive and—”

  “Well-hung.” Noel smirked, and clicked her cuff to the chain.

  She voluntarily raised her arm so he could bind the other one. Now she was laughing. “Well, of course, but you are, too. A big cock doesn’t lure me into falling in love. No, it’s all those other things. He’s just as admirable as you are. Like you said, I love you both equally. I think we’ve achieved that equal balance you just mentioned.”

  Noel was still cynical. In truth, his heart was wrenched because what he had feared seemed to be happening. He never should have allowed Ewan to participate in their lovemaking. He should have kept the two separate. But Ewan would not have gone for that. “He’s also actor-model handsome. That doesn’t hurt either.”

  Autumn tilted her head thoughtfully. “No, that doesn’t hurt. But like I said, that’s not the essence of it. I hope you don’t mind. I wouldn’t want you to feel insecure, or kick Ewan out of our ménage. Our household of three.”

  Noel descended the steps. “What?”

  “Household of three. That’s what ménage à trois means, ‘household of three.’ I like how it means more than just a sexual arrangement.”

  Noel gripped Autumn by the hips. His fingers scrabbled the waistband of her stirrup pants down a few inches over her hip, and he licked there. She uttered a cute little whimper. If this was how she reacted and he’d barely touched her…Noel’s skin began to tingle at the possibilities.

  “Aye,” he agreed half-heartedly. “I guess that’s what it’ll have to be with the three of us. I can’t stop you from loving him.” He’d get used to the idea. After all, he loved Ewan too. He’d be ashamed of Autumn if she didn’t love Ewan. Maybe he’d luck out, and Ewan wouldn’t love Autumn back. That was the ticket.

  Slowly stretching the spandex pants lower, Noel applied a squiggling trail down the center of Autumn’s taut abdomen, dipping his tongue down into her cutely shaped pubic hair.

  “Ah, Noel! You used to tie me up years ago”—Noel still didn’t recall that—”but this is outrageous. I don’t think you were as talented at pussy-licking back then. Is this some form of female clit torture?”

  Noel opened his mouth wide and clamped it over her mound. He breathed out steamily, knowing he was warming her to the core. “Mm hm.” His words would vibrate her female innards, rattling her uterus. Noel didn’t particularly want to remind Autumn just exactly how talented he’d become at clit torture in the past decade, so to distract her he yanked her pants even lower, taking the panties with it. He left them in a puddle at her feet, bending to apply the tiniest of touches with both his fingers and tongue to the tip of her clit that peeked from between the curls.

  Every time he gave her the flimsiest of touches she would gasp and twitch. Her feet were still on the stool so she didn’t dangle, but she twisted on the bar anyway. She jumped as though at the end of a bungee cord and it was hard to keep a grip on her slippery hips. Noel knew that every time his tongue darted out to give her the barest of touches he was inching her higher and higher to that inevitable cliff. It would pump his ego back up after having been deflated by her admission of love for Ewan. Giving her a mind-blowing orgasm would put the focus back on him.

  “Oh, God, Noel! I don’t know if I can stand this! Aren’t I supposed to have a safeword?”

  Noel had to take his face from her bush to answer. “Sure. Pick one. But I can guarantee you’ll be thrilled by seeing how far I can push you.” He buried his face again.

  “Okay, how’s about—Ah! Noel! How’s about—ah! Jesus Criminey! Stop it! No, don’t. How’s about ‘daisy’?”

  Once again, Noel had to stop with his teasing. “No. I’ll just think you’re talking about my song.” This was a good time to break out the tiny finger vibe he’d picked up. He slid it from his pants pocket and turned it on. Autumn tensed before he even applied it, probably just hearing the faint buzz. “Here. You wanted a helping hand job.”

  Before he touched the vibe to her clit, Noel removed the footstool. Autumn was athletic and limber enough to dangle for a bit in her little white socks.

  But he had to be fast, so he pressed the vibe to her jutting clit, and the effect was instantaneous. She twitched and spasmed violently like a worm on a fishing hook. The effect filled Noel with power upon which he quickly became drunk.

  Without removing the vibe from her clit, Noel grasped one ass cheek to somewhat steady her thrashing. He dove into her muff, plunging his tongue up her pussy. He was surprised, though, when she actually screamed. It was a long, drawn-out moan like a seal on a beach, but it didn’t stop him from tongue-fucking her while driving her higher and higher with the vibe.

  “Daisy! Daisy!” Autumn sang out.

  Noel knew she was just trying to get him to remove his face from her crotch. It worked, though, because maybe she hadn’t heard him say that “daisy” couldn’t possibly be their safeword. Just to be careful, he had to remove his tongue from her cunt and remind her. “Think up something else.”

  “No! I mean stop, seriously, Noel! Turn around!”

  All expression falling from his face, Noel turned.

  He smiled again when he saw Ewan not three feet from him, casually unbuttoning his plaid shirt.

  Noel knew his face was shiny with Autumn’s slickness. His pride was pumped for Ewan to know he’d managed to suspend Autumn from the kitchen ceiling, all without Ewan’s help—all without his handsome and charming face.

  “Choose another word, Autumn,” Noel instructed, without looking at her. He was issuing Ewan a wordless challenge. Just try and stop me. See what she lets me do when you’re off birthing cows.

  However, this jubilance all but vanished when Autumn said, “Okay, I choose ‘bones,’ like that time Clayton and you found those bones. Oh, and Noel? Let Ewan do it.”

  Noel finally turned to look at her. “What?”

  “Give Ewan a turn at the hand job. It’s only fair, right?”

  Noel’s heart nearly stopped. His mind couldn’t wrap around what his ears had just heard.

  “Good idea,” said Ewan, practically shouldering Noel aside. Ewan grabbed Noel’s wrist and took the slippery vibe from his fingers. He gave Noel a victorious, smug look. “It may have been seven years, but I’m sure I can remember what to do.”

  “Just do it!” shrieked Autumn from between clenched teeth. “Do you want me to have to say ‘bones’ already?”

  Noel was still motionless with shock when Ewan coolly and easily slid into his spot between Autumn’s legs. Noel must have gone through the seven stages of grief within the flashing of minutes while watching Ewan dip his head between Autumn’s thighs and lap away. He was done with shock and denial and had moved into pain—but not guilt—by the time Autumn raised one gymnastic leg and wrapped it around Ewan’s neck. Her head thrown back, she looked like a graceful deer on a hunter’s pole, wearing only her flattering bra and those adorable socks. Noel knew this day would have to come when he had to watch Ewan’s ponytail bobbing between Autumn’s creamy thighs. He just didn’t expect it to happen now.

  When she moaned, Noel quickly moved to the anger stage, and ripped off the rest of Ewan’s stupid shirt. Noel’s fingers must have been a blur as he tore the fabric from the muscular, tanned shoulders. Oh, gobshite. This was just giving Autumn a better view of Ewan’s beauty.

  So Noel moved to the lonely, reflecting stage of grief as he forced himself to watch his lover go down on Autumn. She bucked her hips like a pole dancer, apparently wringing every tiny shred of ecstasy from the capable tongue-lashing she was getting. Ewan worked the vib
e and his tongue simultaneously, truly expertly. Noel should know. Any man with a mouth and tongue talented enough to bring him off in a minute flat was capable of bringing a woman to the cliff of bliss, too.

  Calmer and more organized now, Noel’s fingers moved to unbutton Ewan’s jeans. Autumn couldn’t see the heavy, veined cock from here, or Noel’s hand when he fisted it and slapped it.

  “That’s right,” he growled in Ewan’s ear. “Eat that delicious pussy. You won’t be able to concentrate when I’m reaming your sweet ass, just like you love.”

  As he’d predicted, now Ewan had to surface for air in order to speak. “Master,” he gasped. “You can do me up the ass any time. Any time you want. Just let me finish off Autumn.” And he dove back in for the kill.

  Noel had no choice but to accept his lovers’ scene. Autumn’s whines went higher and higher in pitch. Noel knew she was about to crash, all thanks to Ewan’s expert tongue. He satisfied himself with smacking Ewan’s cock and balls, the prick so stimulated by his slaps a few droplets of pre-cum slimed the cockhead, making his slaps sound more vicious.

  He had to accept Autumn’s orgasm, her hips shuddering as Ewan’s fingers and tongue guided her through her climax. He also had to accept that Ewan’s prick was probably stiff as much from arousal at licking Autumn as due to the hand striking it. Frustration, anger, lust, and hope all roiled through Noel’s stomach simultaneously. It was the hope that finally got ahold of him and gave him the most brilliant idea of his life.

  Autumn still twitched like a marionette when Noel kicked the stool closer to her and clambered on up to unhook her. “God, Noel!” she cried, her teeth chattering with residual spasms. “Let him finish, at least!”

  Noel shouldered Ewan aside. “No. You’ve had enough. I’ve got other plans for you.” He let her arms down slowly, knowing they would be stiff in the hanging position, massaging her shoulders and upper arms. Ewan had no choice but to helplessly watch them, turning off the vibe that buzzed in his hand.

  Autumn looked Noel in the eyes with apparent gratitude. Noel knew how to play his lovers—how to rile them and edge them up the cliff—but he also knew aftercare, how to calm them, bring them down.

  This time he had an idea that would both calm his woman and stimulate her. He led her on her wobbly legs to the kitchen table. He only had to sweep aside a few plastic condiment bottles in order to lay her down on her back, her hair spreading luxuriously over the flowered tablecloth. Her face was completely open to him, accepting of whatever he had in mind. He quickly took out his cock and within seconds had it nestled in the petals of her pussy.

  He didn’t care what Ewan thought or did. “I’m your Master, my precious pet.”

  “Cher Maître,” she agreed calmly. She even wiggled her hips a bit to accept his swollen cockhead. Her arms were flung over her head and she looked utterly relaxed, inviting, ready to receive his sex.

  Noel brushed his lips against hers as he drove himself deeper into her blistering hot cunt. Her inner walls were slick with her juicy recent climax. “You know I love you, my precious.”

  “I do,” she said simply, wrapping one arm around his shoulders.

  So Noel was able to relax into it, too. He took massive pleasure in every stroke of his hips. He wanted to live in the present, soaking up every detail of her body with all of his senses. Her pussy wasn’t as tight as Ewan’s ass, but he could execute a much wider range of motions, getting flamboyant with his thrusts but never going too fast, as he wanted to savor every tiny nuance.

  Her cinnamon scent wafted up to him as he fucked her. Autumn’s eyes were locked on his, swimming with emotion as she met each of his thrusts with grunts and thrusts of her own.

  Noel was starting to realize this was the best fuck of his entire life when he was distracted by Ewan, who was yanking Noel’s pants even farther down in order to spank his ass. That was fine—he’d allowed that once in a while when they switched things up. It seemed to turn Autumn on, too, as she craned her neck to see around Noel’s torso, and she avidly watched Ewan with shining eyes.

  Then Ewan’s fingers probed between his ass cheeks. Noel could feel the slip and slide of the lube as Ewan inserted a thumb inside him. That was okay—it stiffened his dick up, and he always liked having his prostate rubbed. Who didn’t?

  But when the stiff, glossy head of Ewan’s big dick nestled against his hole, Noel clenched up. He couldn’t allow this. Could never. Had never.

  As though reading his mind, Ewan cooed, “It’s all right, buddy. Let me in. Let me hump you just like you’ve humped me.”

  “Yes,” urged Autumn. “Let him, Noel. I want to watch him fuck you. It makes me hot. It turns me on, especially while you’re inside of me. I want to watch him screw you. He looks beautiful when he’s making love, and I want to watch the pleasure on your face.” She raised her torso from the table with the sudden importance of her message. “I want to watch him come inside of you.”

  Noel gasped and let go of his control of the scene. His prick shuddered inside of Autumn’s heat as Ewan drove his fat dick into his hole.

  Chapter Thirteen

  If Noel thought Ewan was going to stand there and take that, he needed to think again.

  Ewan had been aware of a power struggle between him and Noel. It would probably always be that way, but until Noel relaxed into their new roles, the two men would constantly be at battle.

  He had never fucked Noel before—not that he hadn’t been dying to. The idea leaped out at him as he watched Noel literally sweep Autumn off her feet, set her on the table, and sink himself deep inside her. Autumn looked pleadingly at him while Noel pounded her. Ewan might be imagining it, but it sure seemed like she was begging him to join in.

  And there wasn’t much else he could do other than mount Noel and do him till kingdom come.

  Which is what he did. The scent of Autumn’s sweet juices still clung to his moustache as he dropped his jeans and primed his cock with lube. Once his bulbous cockhead was situated for invasion, he even reached around and rubbed Autumn’s sensitive clit with his thumb. She jumped and grinned at the same time. Giving her an orgasm had been the most gratifying experience of Ewan’s life. He hadn’t thought it would ever happen again, much less with a gorgeous lawyer with high cheekbones and flowing strawberry hair.

  Autumn being helplessly bound in those suspension cuffs heightened the eroticism. The little white socks gave her a girlish look, and Ewan’s prick was up like a hammer before Noel even started striking it. It had been so long since he’d felt a shuddering, helpless woman in his hands. The knowledge that her monumental orgasm had been brought about by him made his ego swell. When Noel had snatched her away from him, frustration had risen.

  At first Noel tried to squirm his ass away from Ewan’s assault. That wouldn’t last long, not with Noel seated so deeply inside Autumn’s delicious pussy. Noel couldn’t squirm far. So Ewan slapped the well-rounded ass until a bright red flame rose against the snowy white skin. He even reached between Noel’s thighs and slapped the full ball sac.

  Ewan was more than ready. Autumn’s pleading eyes told him it was time. Ewan heard her tell Noel, “I want to watch him fuck you,” and all bets were off. Ewan nudged his throbbing dick an inch, then another, inside his lover.

  He felt Noel go still, his breathing more measured and careful. As much as Ewan wanted to just plow that curvy ass, just as he’d been violated so many times before by Noel, he had to force himself to go slow. The idea that he was fucking a virgin made his cock swell to monstrous proportions. He knew Noel wouldn’t come until his cockhead massaged against his prostate. He slapped the ass some more to remind Noel who was in charge of this power exchange.

  “You like this, don’t you,” Ewan snarled, his cock quivering inside the slick channel. “You like being fucked by another man.”

  “Yes.” Autumn answered for Noel, and Ewan had to smile.

  But Noel hadn’t answered. “Our pet likes it. What about you? Do you like having a lo
ng, thick dick inside of you? Do you like being taken like this?”

  It seemed as though Noel held his breath. “Aye,” he finally breathed, exhaling all at once, and Ewan’s penis slipped in another couple inches. “Ah,” Noel cried when the cock hit the sensitive gland.

  There. It was exquisite when Ewan’s dick found the sweet spot. Noel’s hole clamped down around him like a tight glove, milking him as he jiggled his cock in and out, massaging the area.

  Ewan knew this feeling from having been fucked hundreds of times. Now Noel was past the point of no return. He’d spurt his seed inside Autumn because he couldn’t hold back. When Noel threw his head back and uttered a muffled cry, Ewan knew he had him. Ewan pumped into his lover three, four times, then he was spilling his seed, too.

  Wave after wave of bliss rocketed through his cock, Ewan’s brain flooded with nothingness. As he splashed the hot asshole with his jism, the ecstatic waves radiated through his abdomen, chest, then arms. Now Ewan threw his head back and just languished in the joy of orgasm. He had never thought Noel would allow him to bang him, especially not once they added Autumn to the mix. Such a rush of joy and love went through Ewan as his cock drained deep inside Noel.

  Autumn was the first one to extricate herself. She slid from under Noel, and Noel’s hands slapped up against the table, but he made no motion to leave. Ewan just held Noel’s hips and swiveled his cock. He liked it when Noel gasped at each tiny movement he made.

  Wrapping his arm around Noel’s waist, he drew Noel’s torso up to spoon against his. “I love you,” he whispered.

  Noel lifted an arm behind himself so he could twine it around Ewan’s neck. “I love you too…you tricky bastard.”