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  • Three Times a Lady [Hell's Delight 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

Three Times a Lady [Hell's Delight 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online

Page 11

  “I never said I didn’t…” Ewan couldn’t finish. Between Noel’s hot mouth coaxing the seed from his balls and the stunning seductress tweaking his nipples, Ewan hovered on that delicious, almost painful precipice that occupied the seconds before orgasm. He was floating somewhere near the ceiling, and only came back down to earth when Autumn commanded,

  “Noel. I gave you that item?”

  Noel detached his mouth from Ewan’s cock with a loud smack. “Right.”

  Ewan had completely forgotten whatever Autumn was talking about as Noel started yanking his jeans clean off him. Accustomed to being submissive, Ewan just clung to the back of Autumn’s neck and raised his legs one at a time to assist Noel. He normally wasn’t sensitive about being naked. He was used to going at least partially nude in public at clubs. But then it was only men watching him perform. Never a woman. Now Ewan squirmed with embarrassment, because someone who was important to him was examining him with fresh, new eyes.

  “Work it, Noel,” Autumn commanded as he squirted some lube onto his fingers. “Work his sweet asshole good.”

  When the cold lube touched his hole, Ewan remembered the vibe Autumn had brought in the Positive Vibrations bag. He cried out as Noel’s slimy finger entered him, stretching him.

  Autumn gyrated her mound against Ewan’s bare backside, her thighs locked around his hips. She pinched his nipples as she licked his neck. “Is Noel good at this? Do you like being invaded by him?”

  Ewan groaned. He sounded like a sick animal, even with the downtown traffic noises coming up from the street. “God, yes. I love it when Noel’s inside me. I love being penetrated by him.”

  “Well, that’s good,” whispered Autumn, “because he’s about to slide that vibrating probe inside of you.”

  Ewan exhaled blissfully as Noel impaled him with the shiny red vibe. Noel mouthed his ball sac as he fucked him with the tool, and his cock throbbed, purplish with need. He knew Noel was drawing it out to tantalize him, and now Autumn.

  His ploy was effective. Autumn bit down on Ewan’s earlobe so violently he thought she’d bite it off, and one of her little hands strayed down his abdomen, squeezing the thin layer of fat covering his pubic bone. He spread his thighs to accept the probe and thrust his cock toward the ceiling, passionately wishing the woman would just take his dick in her fist. Instead, she expressed her lust by talking dirty. Surprisingly dirty, for a buttoned-up criminal lawyer.

  “Work it, Noel. Work that tight hole.” She boldly slid her hand lower to encircle Ewan’s hard-on, squeezing it lovingly. She dry-humped Ewan’s hip so strenuously it occurred to him she might be getting off against him. “Suck this cock, Noel. You know you want to swallow his hot load.”

  Noel didn’t, though, and Ewan heard himself gasping. “Why don’t you suck him, Autumn? He’s got a deliciously fat penis, if I need to remind you. Suck his fat dick. Make a daisy chain.”

  “Good idea.” Autumn squirmed out from behind Ewan, but not before plastering a sweet kiss to his lips. All these years, Ewan had imagined he’d freak out, struck mute or impotent if kissed by a woman again. Nothing like that happened. In fact, it was sort of tasty and arousing, kissing Autumn. Ewan wove his fingers through her hair, massaging her skull lightly, and he kissed her back, licking her mouth affectionately.

  When she pulled back she blessed him with the most adorable smile, and part of Ewan knew it. It was over. His seven-year-long sabbatical from women was at an end. More than that, he was probably already in love with Autumn Chamberlain, stodgy lawyer from Golden, Colorado.

  Love and lust simultaneously filled him when Autumn disappeared somewhere down on the floor. Whatever she did brought on a big surge of enthusiasm from Noel, and he gulped Ewan’s cock with his powerful throat muscles. Instinctively, he found the sensitive spot with the tip of the phallic vibe, and chose that moment to switch it on. The erotic buzzing surged through the implement and right to Ewan’s core, and he came in one overwhelming rush, spasming so violently he knew he was jamming his long prick down poor Noel’s throat. He had no control over it.

  “Work it,” he gasped, clutching Noel’s shoulder with viselike fingers. “Suck my cock.” He liked Autumn’s banter. He’d have to remember it, if he could remember anything at all after this mind-numbing orgasm. He drove his spewing cock down his lover’s throat, and Noel manfully swallowed his blistering seed while jiggling the buzzing vibe deep in his asshole.

  Ewan sucked in a fresh lungful of air and forced his eyes open. He tried to see past the floating clear bubbles. He sat up straight, his cock still spurting semen, and saw what had spurred Noel to such heights. Autumn was on the carpet on her back, Noel fucking her in the mouth.

  It was fascinating. Noel’s shapely ass under the khaki fabric bounced beautifully, just as Ewan had seen hundreds of times in different mirrors. Except this time Noel was playing with someone else, and Ewan should have been jealous. He wasn’t. He was just fascinated. Autumn’s hair spilled out over the rug and she grasped Noel’s hips with outspread fingers. Her lower jaw worked diligently, her tongue lapping the length of Noel’s delicious cock. It was a treat Ewan had enjoyed untold times, and it was riveting watching someone else perform the act.

  He didn’t love Noel any less. He just realized he had opened his heart to Autumn, and it didn’t bother him in a possessive way to watch her love his partner with her mouth. In a way, it filled him with joy that someone else was taking pleasure from Noel. But maybe that was just the testosterone surge making him so joyous.

  “Ah!” It suddenly became too much to bear, and Ewan pressed against Noel’s forehead to detach him from his prick. The probe slid out of him and he fell back into the armchair panting heavily, one hand like a discarded rag laying across his abdomen.

  Noel didn’t seem to notice. He was busily filling Autumn’s throat with his own load. He lovingly held her by the back of the head while shooting hot jets into her mouth. Ewan watched passively, his shiny prick still pulsating against his hip. Noel uttered strangled cries as he came, and Ewan watched as though viewing a film. Autumn boldly swallowed the entire load, only dribbling a little bit out the corner of her mouth. When she sat up, she tossed her curtain of hair over her shoulder and licked her lips.

  Noel was lounging back on his elbows, breathing heavily. He lifted his chin at Ewan. “Kiss Ewan.”

  “Ooo.” Autumn was bright-eyed as she scurried to do Noel’s bidding. Now it was Noel’s turn to watch avidly as Autumn crawled up on the leather chair, straddling Ewan. She didn’t sit on his hips but hovered lightly as she kissed him. Ewan realized with a perverted thrill that she was “snowballing” him, licking him with her semen-coated tongue. It was a familiar flavor, and Ewan put his all into the kiss, wrapping one hand around the back of Autumn’s neck and daring to place the other on her hip. The slope of her waistline surprised him. He had to run his hand over and over the flare of her hip to make sure it was real. Noel kept quiet through it all.

  This is going to turn out all right. Autumn pulled back, smacking her lips with satisfaction. She was ravishing, her strawberry-blonde hair cascading over her uplifted breasts, her hands saucily on her hips. Ewan wanted nothing more than to yank her tank top down and suckle at her tits, but he didn’t want to push his luck. He just lightly held her by the waist as Noel got up to look at his phone, which had been buzzing a dozen times. Noel usually kept the tone turned off, but with the latest Freestyle crap on their minds, he wanted to be on top of any messages from Alex Coldiron.

  The storage unit was a dead end. Freestyle had rented the smallest five-by-five unit and there was absolutely nothing in it aside from a piece of white cardboard upon which he’d written “Ha-ha, I didn’t really kidnap any kid. I’d never hurt a defenseless child and if you think so then you are twisted!” In a corner of the space there was a crumpled receipt. Someone had paid two hundred dollars cash for a temporary membership to The House of Pain. It turned out not to be a bondage club but a gym on the Hell’s Delight side o
f Auburn. It was more than likely Freestyle had put it there on purpose hoping to lead them on another wild goose chase. All in all, it was evident he’d just lured them there with the fake poster of the child “Jeremy” just to push Ewan’s buttons. It had worked.

  Autumn jiggled her shoulders, probably knowing her tits would jostle enticingly. “I’m not being very ladylike today.”

  Ewan encircled her ribs with his palms, only barely cupping her impressive boobs. “You’re extremely ladylike. You’re twice a lady.”

  Noel came toward them nodding, punching buttons on his phone. “Three times a lady.”

  Autumn struggled to stand. “Now you sound like a horrible sappy song. Who called?”

  “Listen to this.” Noel turned on the speaker and let them hear what Alex had said. “Noel. The FBI found out who the alleged kidnapper is in that poster. His name is I.P. Freeley and he’s currently living in a halfway house in Sacramento sponsored by Veterans Affairs because, you got it, he’s an Iraqi war vet. He has to clock in and out of the home every day, so there’s no way he’s a fucking kidnapper, especially not kidnapping some kid who doesn’t exist. Of course they’re sending some agents to the home to check the guy out, put a tail on him. Freestyle didn’t just pick this guy I.P. Freeley out of thin air. There’s some connection. Oh, and tell Autumn all of what I just said. They’re still narrowing down the list of men from Tremaine’s unit. It takes forever to find every guy and rule him out, but I guess they’re down to like six. I’ll let you know what they find out about Freeley. And they got a warrant to find out who rented the unlocked Unit 56 that you checked out. Stand by, Noel.”

  Autumn said, “We should tell Alex about the House of Pain, even if it is another dead end. You never know. We think Freestyle is so smart, but he could’ve easily dropped that receipt and not known it. You wouldn’t believe the stupid moves I see in my job. People stuff someone in their trunk, but leave the body in there for a month. Seems like ninety percent of murderers take out life insurance on the victim within a few months before the murder. Oh, and we’re always finding Walmart gun receipts. Like, how difficult is it to shred and dispose of a receipt? It’s almost always stupidity that nails the killers.”

  “Yes,” agreed Ewan, buckling up his belt. “It shouldn’t be hard to figure out who bought a month’s membership at the House of Pain last Tuesday, you know?”

  Noel said, “I’ll text Alex right now,” and wandered off.

  Autumn came to stand behind Ewan while he peered into his pan, barely bubbling on the stovetop. The peaks of her breasts brushed his bare back. She must know she was driving him crazy. It occurred to him he would like to co-top her with Noel. The way Noel was acting, he might just be open to it.

  “You really think I’m a lady? You’re a superb specimen of man, Ewan. I always knew Noel had good taste.”

  Ewan didn’t know how to take a compliment. He wanted to open the can of black beans Autumn had brought, but he didn’t want to move away from her presence, her warmth. So he returned the compliment, glancing down at her over his shoulder. “You’re a stunning lady, counselor.”

  “Do I turn you on?”

  “Very much so.”

  “So you’re not a diehard uphill gardener?”

  Ewan burst out laughing at her unexpected terminology. “No, I never was.” He soon sobered up. He felt the need to be honest with Autumn. “I just stayed away from women after my divorce. Leah and I couldn’t trust each other after Jeremy was abducted. Every time we looked at each other we saw failure. I blamed her because she was in charge when he was taken. She blamed me for being at work when it happened. That’s one reason I started hating my music producing job. I always felt guilty going to it, like something else disastrous would happen if I went.”

  Autumn’s voice was soft. “That sounds like an unbearable situation.”

  Ewan feebly stirred the pot with the wooden spoon, but he looked Autumn in the eye. “I just wanted you to know, I don’t loathe women. I just needed a break for a while.”

  “Well. I’m glad you chose me.”

  “So am I. Even though Noel did the choosing.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Autumn hadn’t been this giddy and nervous since her high school prom.

  Walking onto George Tirebiter Field in downtown Hell’s Delight with a man on each arm was causing her greater anxiety than entering Sam Brannan’s gym with a date in a powder blue tux seventeen years ago.

  Thank God it wasn’t an official game for the Hell’s Delight One Tree Hills. It was basically Noel’s tryout for the team, although it was already accepted that he’d be allowed to join. But in a little burg like Hell’s Delight, even baseball tryouts were a reason for a hammered picnic in the bleachers, and everywhere Autumn turned, someone she knew was staring at her, openmouthed.

  And why shouldn’t they be stunned? Folks were flabbergasted mainly because Noel Butler was finally showing his face in town, casually and nonchalantly. Even people who had never known Noel when he lived there were whipping out their cellphones and snapping away. Gawker and TMZ would have the photos on their websites within the next ten minutes, which was why Autumn had dressed so carefully. They hadn’t even called Orlando to shadow Noel around. They wanted to project an image of casual confidence.

  It was their coming-out party in more ways than one. Personally, Autumn was announcing that she was back, and back together with Noel Butler. The supercouple of the late nineties had a lot of history to live up to. Autumn knew they were confusing the issue by showing up with Ewan on her other arm. The other option, to leave him at the ranch, was unacceptable.

  Autumn tried to look straight ahead at the coach’s box. JD Harmon, former star pitcher for the San Francisco Giants, was expecting them. Autumn surprised herself, how thrilled she was to see Hannah’s new husband wearing the official One Tree Hills uniform. Soon Noel would be strutting about hitting balls while wearing the tight-fitting pants. The One Tree Hills hadn’t opted for the new baggy pajama look that had been sweeping the major leagues. That was dumpy and sloppy. No, these minor leaguers were in the forefront of sexy swagger with the tight, mid-shin pants and the stirrup socks of the old days. And it showcased their butts just fine.

  And the baseball diamond was a good choice for their coming out, because people weren’t allowed to crowd the field. Autumn even waved to a few of their old crowd, the crowd from Lars Lindstrom’s garage, but all they could do was stand up from their coolers full of Budweiser bottles and wave back. It was a much better atmosphere for coming out than the Pit o’ Dummies, where everyone was already halfway liquored up and in a party mood. Here at George Tirebiter, people had to behave, somewhat.

  “You nervous?” Autumn asked Ewan from the corner of her mouth. Noel was too busy waving to strangers to talk.

  “No. Are you?”


  “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

  “I’m afraid I’m going to get booed off the field for taking the two most desirable men in town. And I’m afraid they’re going to stampede to get Noel’s autograph.”

  Indeed, younger people in the grandstands were pumping their fists and shouting out titles of The Friday Experience’s songs, like “Carry On!” and “My Other Half!” As though Noel was going to whip out a microphone and start singing.

  JD and Devin were in the coach’s box to greet them.

  “My man,” said high school buddy Devin, who owned the house where Noel had been staying until recently—where the body of the veteran had been found. Devin had taken all of the journalistic flak for that, keeping Noel’s name out of the papers. Alex Coldiron, of course, had covered it by leaving out Noel’s name from his story. A few reporters from the Sacramento Bee had covered the strange murder, but none had figured out that Noel Butler had been renting the house. “We’ve been needing a new third baseman.”

  “Yeah,” said JD, “since Kenny went to rehab. I know you played first at Sam Brannan, but third’s all we’ve got

  “Until Brody goes to rehab,” said Devin.

  Noel said smoothly, “I think I can get over my high school image hang-ups. I also have to confess I haven’t played much since then.”

  “Played any,” corrected Ewan. “Played any baseball.”

  Everyone laughed, and Ewan and Autumn left Noel with his teammates, heading toward the dreaded grandstands.

  “It feels like we’re dropping him off at his first day of school,” Autumn observed.

  “Did you tell any of your friends about us? Devin just looked confused to see you with us.”

  “Of course he knows you’ve been banging Noel,” Autumn said saucily. She loved giving the men shit about that. It was fun.

  “Of course. But you? I don’t think anyone saw that coming.”

  “I haven’t told my friends yet. I’ve been with you all of the time. But judging from their choice in roommates, I think they’ll be receptive.”

  “Yes,” said Ewan in a low voice. Alex, a few bleachers up from them, was waving, preparing to clamber down and greet them. Katrina was with him, and she was coming with her Bud in her hand. “And judging from the cocksucking I’ve personally witnessed over at the Lay-Z-Boy, I’d say Hannah is happy with her two men.”

  “What?” Autumn stopped cold in the middle of putting her Playmate cooler onto the bleacher. “Hannah’s married to JD. Who’s the other guy?”

  “Autumn!” Katrina grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her so wildly Autumn nearly lost her footing. Then Katrina jammed her butt down onto the bleacher and even opened the Playmate to find Autumn a beer. She whispered in a loud voice. “What’s the deal with Mr. Gaucho here?”

  “You know Noel’s pet name for Ewan?”

  Katrina flipped her hair nervously. “What? Oh, doesn’t everyone know that? At least on Hardscrabble land. They’ve been an item forever. I’m just surprised to see them show up together in public.”