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Two Good Men [Hell's Delight: Unbridled 3] (Siren Pubishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 10

  Chapter Twelve


  I had to quickly thread Dodge’s half-erect dick through the silver cock ring first. That was key. Dodge got so damned stimulated when I touched him—or was near him in a room, fact. Since I already had him in thumb cuffs, his hands behind his back, he was a helpless sight to see, sitting on my four-poster bed.

  I rarely invited men into my bedroom. Bedroom was strictly a place for sleep, and self-abuse too of course. I had the whole house to myself, so why not whip a guy in the front room? Why not turn someone over my knee at the kitchen table? Bedrooms were too intimate to invite in guys you’d just “met” on Grindr.

  Dodge was completely different. Maybe it was because I’d met—and liked—his son. That in and of itself was weird. It made me feel we were a freshly minted family, created not from blood but from emotional bonds. I liked his cousin, Georgia, though she seemed to become nervous if I made a move toward Dodge. Like we were gonna kiss each other in front of her. I never do that around people who aren’t comfortable with my reality.

  “You’re not gonna get it through there,” said Dodge, arrogantly. “My cock responds every time you’re close. See? Hard as a rock.”

  But it was on. I swiped a few drops of precum from his tip, just enough to make him hiss in air. Then, nudging his knees farther apart, I tickled his asshole with it. He bit his lower lip, squeezing his eyes shut. I had inspired him. Now I was requiring something of him.

  The apparatus was my favorite shape—the trailer hitch kingpin. Still wearing my jeans and chaps because I knew Dodge liked them, I kneeled between his thighs and massaged his asshole. I used the jizz as lube, then popped the silver egg-shaped end right inside him.

  He hissed, then sighed. Man, did that guy love having things up his butt.

  I wiggled it around by grasping the silver connecting bar. His erection waggled obediently, and if I angled it the right way, I could stimulate his P-spot with the egg.

  “You’re getting a bit full of yourself,” I teased, running my palm over his flat stomach, his hairy pecs. “I’m gonna have to teach you to stay in line, to season you. You know I could’ve fucked any one of those cowboys at the rodeo, yet I chose you.”

  Bam. His demeanor changed, became dark and fiery. I rarely saw this side to Dodge, and my jiggling of the silver wand slowed.

  “Cockroach,” he snarled.


  “Cockroach! Our safe word! I don’t want you making me hot, and you won’t want to when you hear what I have to say!”

  Damnation! What was this luscious maverick going on about? I narrowed my eyes. “What you going on about, boy?”

  “I’m going on about your vanity. You’re hot as a silver bullet and you know it. You think I don’t feel insignificant walking down the street with you, knowing every man and woman wants to fuck ‘Jax Teller?’ They’re staring, and it isn’t for me, it’s for you, and this makes me feel fucking small and insignificant, insecure really, knowing you could drop me like a guillotine any second you saw someone better than me. And I mean ‘better’ in any slight way—looks of course, intellect, sense of humor, whatever might strike you at the second. Better tattoos. Better piercings.”

  “You don’t have any piercings.”

  “You know what I mean. King, I want assurance from you. I don’t think I can keep playing these scenes with you if I don’t have total and utter trust in you. Which I can’t knowing you have other partners.”

  I didn’t know what to say. No one had ever said this to me before. No one had ever tried to be “the one.” Or…is that what Dodge was saying? “You’re saying you want to be monogamous with me?”

  Dodge nodded energetically. “Yes, that’s what I’m saying! I don’t want to worry about getting chlamydia or AIDS.”

  Oh, was that all he was worried about? “I always use a rubber. Never once had an STD.”

  My anger must’ve shown through, because now he couldn’t look at me. “That’s not the main issue. How would I know you always use a rubber when you haven’t fucked me yet?”

  Grabbing the silver bar again with gusto, I rattled it and growled, “Is that what you want? Then fucking say so! I was taking my time with you because I’m your first and you’re a cock virgin.”

  He looked at me levelly. “Okay. I want you to fuck me, King. I want your thick, juicy dick in my ass. I want to feel you explode deep inside me. But only if you agree. Only if you fucking agree to be monogamous with me.”

  Giving the ass plug one last good jiggle, I got to my knees. Instantly, Dodge’s eyes went to my dick. Victory. His hunger for my dick overruled his ridiculous need to be “the one.” “Let’s see if you deserve a nice fuck from me.” I whipped my cock out, just as his mouth level, and he couldn’t tear his eyes from it.

  I plunged it in his mouth without waiting for a response.

  I was playing the game politicians play—change the subject and maybe they won’t notice. Now it was all about him living up to my expectations, as it should be. But why was I so reluctant to agree to his demand? Because it was a demand, and betas shouldn’t make them? Because the idea of being monogamous, and therefore intimate, with someone scared the Dickens out of me?

  But I’d wanted a beta who pushed back. I sure got that in spades with Dodge. He stood up for himself, made himself heard. He wasn’t a spineless fuck-me queen.

  That left the idea that intimacy scared me.

  Sure, it did. I’d never had a “boyfriend” before. Maybe that’s part of why I automatically shunned any guys with kids. That left out about a quarter of them, half if you got over thirty. I’d dated this one guy, Chet, I guess, for about three months. We must’ve banged our brains out at least a hundred times before I went over the edge one night. I just couldn’t stand the gusher of my feelings for him, and I got a bit brutal, I suppose, with the cat o’ nine tails. Deep down, I think I wanted him to run because I couldn’t bear the intense blue norther of my affection welling up in my chest.

  I was glad he’d run, but also a bit messed up over it.

  Now Dodge was sucking me like a Hoover, thinking he was going for a nice, steamy, slow fuck. But he was doing such a good job, as usual, I was this far from spilling.

  So I pulled myself out of his mouth. He was sucking with such vigor his mouth made a loud popping sound. “Oh, come on!” he cried, sounding utterly sincere. “Give me back that cock. You know how I love guzzling your jizz.”

  “I’ve got another plan,” I said, yanking my belt through the loops. He grinned weakly, anticipating a good beating, I guess. But I’d only done that so the heavy pewter buckle wouldn’t bang on his pubic bone while I screwed him.

  I mingled our drops of precum to lube up my prick. “You agree we don’t need a rubber?”

  I swear, it looked like he was drooling, watching me slowly massage my cock. But he had time to flash me an angry look. “Only if we’re monogamous.”

  I tossed my head by way of answer. “Crawl to me. Humble yourself. Give over to me all your power.” I collapsed into the frog position and quickly slid the silver egg from his ass. Now I could place my swollen glans against his stretched hole, just barely penetrating him.

  He wanted more. I’d predicted this, and he began to buck like a gelding in the chute, trying to get more of my dick inside him. I wouldn’t let him. I kept darting away at every lunge.

  “Give in,” I commanded. “Show me that you were born to serve. You’re a symbol of my Alpha status over you.”

  It was luscious how, every time he’d lunge with his hips, his ringed cock would bob against his hip. Do you want to know how much I wanted to bend over and take that long wang into my mouth? I was less of an Alpha than the Bottoms Up and Grindr crowd knew. I longed for dick, too. What did that make me?

  “Not until you agree not to fuck anyone else.”

  “All right,” I said evenly, giving him another half inch of my cock up his ass. “I can do that. But only if you tell me what happened in the loc
ker room that day.”

  Dodge seemed to hold his breath. He raised his eyes to mine, a slow smile spreading over his face. “You want to know how I got cornered by ten horny football players and forced into unnatural acts?”

  “God yes,” I grunted, flexing my dick inside him. It took every molecule of will not to just haul off and fuck the stuffing out of him. With his wrists behind his back, thumbs screwed tight, the skin taut across his athletic pecs made me want to bend over him and suck a nipple. But that would distract from the story I so desperately needed to hear.

  “They told me that to get onto the varsity team, I had to play along with their rituals. Other varsity boys told me they’d done it, too, so I figured how bad could it be?”

  I moved my hips, but barely allowed my cock to massage his canal. Beads of sweat emerged on his forehead, and I could tell he was fixing to jizz, too, maybe more so because of the story he was telling. I’d always known it was something that had secretly riled him up, made him wonder all these years if he was gay or not.

  “So what’d they do first?” Every time I flexed my cock inside him, he sucked in air and twitched. His prick twitched, too.

  “Well, they made me lie on my back on this massage table. With this big horror filling my stomach, they took out their penises.”

  For some reason, when Dodge said “penis,” it was ten times naughtier and lewder than any crass slang. “Were they hard?”

  “Yes. All of them. I asked if this was standard procedure. Again, the quarterback said yes and I’d better just lie there and take it. They slapped me all over with their hot dicks.”

  “Hot dicks” just about did me in. Now I was the one panting, cock leaking inside his smoldering ass. “This was to humiliate you?”

  “Supposedly. But there was an overall air of lust, like they were pretending to torture me, but at the base of everything was pleasure.”

  “What’d they say to you?”

  “Oh, shit like ‘come on, kid, you know you want to suck on us. You know you’ve been dying to suck a dick ever since you joined the team. We’ve all caught you staring at our dicks in the showers.’ Which wasn’t true at all. They said this tradition had been going on for twenty years, Lord of the Rings style. It was a way for us to all bond. Then a couple of them started jerking off over me, shouting about bukkake.”

  “Mm.” I kid you not, my cock was trembling inside of him. That’s how close I was to shooting. And I was barely moving.

  “The quarterback slapped me in the face with his dick. He’d say, ah, like, ‘kid, look how much you turn on those guys. You’re made for this. Ed’s about to splash you with his load. Come on, Ed. Show everyone how big of a load you’ve got.’ I couldn’t see Ed, though I could feel him jizz on me.”

  “You liked it?”

  “I liked it, though it terrified me. I couldn’t see because this quarterback had his short, stubby dick in my face, and when Ed splashed me, he rammed his prick into my mouth.”

  Damnation. I had to breathe in even, measured breaths. “You sucked?”

  “Oh, did I suck. I had the boy putty in my hands so to speak, and he quickly lost it. Then I felt someone tear off my little towel. I knew my hard dick was bouncing in the air, and this quarterback was grunting like a fucking pig, jerking and shuddering his spunk into the back of my throat.”

  “Why were they removing your towel?” I could barely speak without making it obvious this story was sending me over the edge.

  “They spread my legs. While another boy positioned himself to mouth-fuck me, someone slid something up my ass. It wasn’t thick, but it was long, and they fucked me with it.”

  That was it. That was fucking it. “Like this?” I finally gave my lover some long-dicking, knowing it wouldn’t last long.

  “Ah!” he cried loudly, not expecting the onslaught. But he rocked his hips in rhythm with mine as my fingers dug into his ass. I got a good grip on him and humped him for eight, ten long strokes. Oh, who am I kidding? I only made it about five.

  “What were they fucking you with?” I growled between clenched teeth. I found one of my hands suddenly gripping Dodge’s penis, using his precum as lube to fist him. “Their cocks?”

  “I figured out later it was a broken broomstick,” Dodge panted. “It was supposed to be torture, but for me, it was just one big orgasmic pleasure.”

  I jacked him faster. He had to come before I did. I had to maintain my power. But he was driving me absolutely fucking apeshit with his story. “Is that why your ass is so open? Once they fucked you with the stick, you kept wanting it in your ass?”

  “No. Yes! Oh, God!”

  I was rewarded with a hot gusher of jizz flooding over my fist. Thank God. One more thrust past his precious P-spot, and I lost my load, too.

  We were ensnared together for a while. Our toes curled into impossible positions, our muscles froze, and for a few seconds the only things moving were our penises, spurting ecstatic orgasms.

  When it began to ebb, I gave Dodge a few more strokes with my cock. “That’s good, kid. Look, every time I go past your P-spot your cock spurts a little more.”

  He laughed, more of a gasp. “Ah! Oh God, get your hand off my dick! I can’t take this anymore!”

  I obliged, but only because I was too weary to argue. My dick was still twitching inside his heat.

  “Oh Lord. I didn’t need to be any hornier, King. Unscrew my thumbs.”

  I finally withdrew from his body and turned him a little so I could access the thumbscrews. Casually I asked, “Are you gonna spend the night here?”

  “I can’t. Ryan, you know.”

  “You could say your truck broke down. He’s got Georgia.”

  “Nah, I can’t say that.” Something seemed to be on his mind.

  I rolled over to put the screws into the nightstand drawer, then rolled back to face him on one elbow. “What’s up?” I realized I’d been hoping we could create our own makeshift family. But Ryan would forever be a stumbling block to our union.

  He couldn’t face me again. “Cindy. She filed papers to gain sole custody of Ryan.”

  I gasped. I couldn’t believe how much this kid had affected me. A month ago, I wouldn’t have given a shit. But now I was mad. “That thundercunt? She’s the one who abandoned you! You and Ryan!”

  “I know. But now I have to hire a lawyer and yadda yadda. Any slight sense that anything is out of the norm and they’re going to pounce on it. I had to tell Ryan explicitly not to tell anyone we went to a gay rodeo.”

  “Nowadays, the ‘he’s gay’ excuse doesn’t hold no water. It’s not illegal, and no one has proven gay parents are any worse than their straight counterparts.”

  Dodge laughed sadly. “The truth of the matter is…in some backwoods places, it still does. Maybe not on the books officially or anything, but you get some old crotchety judge and he hears ‘two men’ and it’s all over.”

  “Backwoods. Meaning Hell’s Delight.”

  Dodge nodded soberly.

  I felt the invisible thread that tied me to Dodge, as well as Ryan and even Georgia. But to display this love might mean losing them altogether.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “I feel weird, Dad. I don’t want to go with Mom. She took off with that Phil Dillweed guy.”

  “Dickweed,” King corrected helpfully.

  I flashed him an ungrateful look. We were out back by the picnic table, the fountain, trampoline, my workshop—the fenced-in area where Ryan wanted a puppy but for now held two goats and some chickens. I’d been pretending to work on a prosthetic for a golden retriever whose leg had been amputated after being hit by a car. King had been pretending to help me, learning about the different materials we use. But we all knew what was coming.

  Georgia said, “She’s your mom, Ryan. You can’t help that. In a year from now you won’t be mad at her anymore, and you’ll regret not having seen her today.”

  “Plus,” I said, “the court order says you have

  King patted Ryan on the shoulder. “Don’t forget. You’ll know you’ve forgiven when you think of those who hurt you, yet you feel the strength in wishing them well.”

  Again, I looked oddly at him. He came up with some zingers of quotes sometimes. He said his daddy used to make these quotations. It was hard to picture that old Texas cuss uttering these things. I cleared my throat. “Besides. She’s taking you to the train museum in Old Town Sac.” It was okay to call it “Sac.” But “Sacto” was pushing it.

  A car crunched gravel in the driveway. Taking Ryan by the shoulders, I gave him that “stiff upper lip” look that was actually annoying, and we walked manfully around the side yard to meet our foes.

  I nodded stiffly to Phil Dickweed, who smartly stayed behind the driver’s wheel. He had no fucking business even being here as far as I was concerned. I’d been consumed with rage ever since getting the court order, the paperwork saying Cindy was suing for custody. In arbitration so far, we’d progressed to the point where Cindy agreed Ryan should return to the same school for the next school year. She and Phil had moved to Los Baños which was too far for Ryan to commute to school. So we were looking at possibly losing him during the summer. Ryan was dreading the fuck out of it, being away from his friends, and us.



  “Cindy,” said Georgia.


  “Ryan!” Cindy held out her arms to her son, but he didn’t exactly fly into them.


  “Are you ready for Old Town? We can see the trains, go to the candy store, then have lunch on the steamboat.”

  Ryan shrugged. “I guess.”

  I said my first words to my ex-wife since I’d said “Fine then! Go suck Phil Dickweed’s dick and see how much I fucking care!” You know how immature you can regress when you’re consumed with blind rage. I’d found a half-empty bottle of some antidepressants she’d apparently been taking after she’d taken off. Apparently she had only needed them when with me. She never came back to get them. But she had shrieked at me once, “I hate being with you so bad I need to take drugs just to get through the day!”